Dental Care Tips for Cleaning Dental Braces

Whether your orthodontic appliance is fixed or removable, it’s important to clean it properly. Failure to do so can cause bacteria buildup and lead to bigger problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Since braces create new surfaces and nooks in your mouth, cleaning them involves more than a standard set of teeth. The good news is that learning how to keep your teeth and appliances clean is easy.

dental care

While wearing braces, brushing your teeth often with fluoride toothpaste is important. This will help prevent plaque and bacteria buildup, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing your teeth should take at least two minutes, and be sure to brush the surfaces of all your teeth, including the chewing surface, inside of your cheeks, tongue, and the backs of your molars.

Your orthodontist may also recommend using a mouthwash that contains fluoride to protect your teeth further and to help remove any food stuck in your braces. It would be best if you also rinsed your mouth with water after each meal or snack to prevent food from becoming trapped in your teeth.

In addition to brushing, you should also clean your retainer. This can be done by soaking it in a denture cleanser, such as Efferdent or Polident, at least once daily. You should also wash your hands before handling your retainer and be careful not to accidentally bite down on it, which could damage the material.

You can also use a water flosser or a regular toothbrush to eliminate food particles stuck in your braces. It is a good idea to avoid eating sticky, hard, or crunchy foods while wearing braces, as they can cause stains and are difficult to clean.

If you have discomfort while wearing your braces, taking an over-the-counter pain reliever is a good idea. Applying dental wax to any rough-feeling brackets or wires, which can reduce friction inside your mouth, is also helpful.

Flossing is essential to oral health because it removes food debris and plaque your toothbrush can’t reach. This prevents gum disease and tooth decay while your braces work to straighten your teeth for a confident smile. However, flossing is more difficult with braces because of the wires and brackets in the way. The good news is that there are several ways to make flossing with braces faster and easier.

Using a floss threader can save you time because it eliminates the need to thread the floss carefully around each wire. All you need is a reusable floss threader, waxed dental floss, and about 15 minutes to complete your oral care routine. You can find floss threaders in the verbal care section of most supermarkets and pharmacies, but your orthodontist may have a few sample threaders you can try before buying a full bag.

Another easy way to floss is to tie a long piece of dental floss around your index fingers and thumbs. Then, use one hand to hold the floss tightly and the other to guide it between each pair of teeth to the gum line. Make sure to unwind a little new floss from the “dispenser” finger as you go so you have enough clean floss on hand when you get to the back side of your last tooth.

This tried-and-true method requires a bit more skill and takes longer than simply slipping the floss between your teeth, but it is very effective at removing food debris and preventing plaque buildup. It also helps prevent your gums from bleeding or swelling excessively, which can indicate gingivitis or tooth decay.

Regardless of which flossing technique you choose, do it daily. This will help to prevent sugar and excess bacteria from degrading the adhesive that holds your braces in place, which can cause permanent damage if not addressed early. It will also help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of bacteria, which can lead to gum disease or tooth decay if left unchecked.

Mouthwash is an important addition to any oral care routine, especially when you have braces. This liquid rinse helps clean hard-to-reach areas of the mouth and can help prevent plaque buildup. It can also freshen your breath and remove food debris from your braces.

It is important to use mouthwash in conjunction with brushing and flossing. It can help rinse your mouth after every meal or snack. It is also a good idea to use mouthwash before bed. When choosing a mouthwash, it is important to choose one labeled as safe for braces. It should contain fluoride and be alcohol-free not to irritate your gums.

To use mouthwash, swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds after each brushing and flossing. Be sure to rinse the entire area of your mouth, including the roof and back teeth. It is also a good idea to avoid using mouthwash that contains sugar, as this can lead to cavities.

If you have trouble cleaning your teeth and braces, consider investing in an interdental toothbrush. This tool is similar to a pipe cleaner and has small tufts of bristles that can reach between the teeth and the gum line, helping to get rid of plaque and debris that may be difficult to go with a regular toothbrush.

In addition to brushing and flossing, it is also important to visit the dentist at least every 4-6 months for professional cleanings and examinations. Your orthodontist can catch any problems before they become serious and help ensure that your teeth are properly aligned and your smile is healthy.

When you first get braces, your orthodontist will recommend you schedule a dental cleaning appointment. This is to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy before starting your orthodontic procedures, and it also gives you a chance to ask any questions you might have.

Many people wonder if they can still have regular cleaning appointments when they have braces on. The answer is a resounding yes! Although it may take a bit longer than normal cleaning and exam, the dentists and hygienists are very experienced in working with patients who have braces and are confident in their ability to provide a thorough and high-quality service.

During the dental appointment, your dental hygienist will use a tool to remove plaque and tartar from around your teeth and gum line, ensuring no bacteria are hiding underneath the metal brackets. They will also use a floss threader to get into the tight spaces between your teeth and under the wires of your braces. They will also polish your teeth, giving you that fresh and clean feeling again!

It’s important to avoid eating any foods that can get stuck in your braces, such as hard candy, nuts, gummy bears, and chewy popcorn. Not only are these foods a pain to get out of your mouth, but they can also cause your wires to break, costing you more time in the clinic and more money for repairs!

If you do eat something that gets stuck in your teeth, please call the office right away to let them know. They will be able to advise you on what to do next and how to prevent it from happening.

Fitness Training For Athletes

Athletes of all types can benefit from fitness training. It improves their strength, speed, agility, balance, and coordination.

Often, gym rats focus only on pushing exercises like the bench press, but football players use the inclined to improve their blocking strength. Athletes also do conditioning drills to increase their endurance. Click to learn more.

fitness training

Endurance training refers to exercises that increase your heart rate and breathing so you can perform an activity longer. Athletes rely on their endurance for nearly every athletic endeavor, including running long distances, playing tennis or soccer, and lifting weights. It takes a lot of practice and commitment to build up your endurance. While increasing your endurance sounds daunting, it can be accomplished with simple changes to your workout routines. By gradually adding one rep, a few miles, or five minutes to each week’s or month’s fitness schedule, you will begin to see results.

You can also enhance your endurance by practicing drills that help you move faster while in motion. For example, you can incorporate ladder or dot drills into your conditioning workouts by setting up markers on a field or court and running to them without stopping. This helps you work on cutting, an essential skill for any athlete.

While most people consider cardio workouts such as jogging and biking endurance exercises, these workouts only improve your measurable cardiovascular capacity. You can also build endurance by performing more challenging tennis, soccer, or basketball activities. However, it’s important to note that a sport requires more than endurance; it also requires strength and agility.

Another way to increase your endurance is by incorporating circuit training into your workouts. Circuit training combines high-intensity cardio exercises and resistance or strength training to give you a complete workout in a short amount of time. This exercise effectively increases your cardio endurance because it forces you to push yourself harder during each set.

It’s also important to remember that endurance training is a form of targeted fitness, so you should only work on your specific goals. For example, if your goal is to become a better sprinter, it would only be productive to spend some of your endurance training time improving how much weight you can bench press.

Athletes who are serious about their performance goals often incorporate various training methods to maximize their potential. This can include corrective and restorative exercises, specialized strength training, plyometric and dynamic exercises, endurance and conditioning training, nutrition guidance, mental and emotional support, and constant accountability and monitoring by a qualified trainer.

Athletes need to be able to perform explosive movements at high rates of speed and for long periods. Strength training can help improve these qualities.

A strength program must be well-planned, individualized, and integrated with all other training components. An athlete’s strength development is highly influenced by the type of exercises used and their specificity to the sport. It is important to consider several factors, including planes of motion, movement patterns, exercise equipment choices, single-versus double-extremity movements, and the amount of rest between sessions.

Unlike bodybuilding programs that focus on increasing the size and appearance of muscles, athletic strength training focuses on developing explosive power and muscular endurance (2). Regardless of the sport an athlete plays, an effective strength training program should develop all five strength qualities: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Most athletes spend much time practicing the skills necessary to perform their sport. This practice can take two forms: technical proficiency and the development of maximum strength-to-weight ratios. The latter is achieved through resistance training and metabolic conditioning sessions.

As with the other elements of fitness, an athlete’s training must be individualized and based on the results of a pre-season screening. This will allow for identifying weak points and imbalances in the musculoskeletal system. It also gives the coach a starting point for the preparation period.

Imbalances often occur due to overtraining and the inefficient use of an athlete’s energy resources. As a result, one side of the body may become stronger than the other, and agonist muscles can become overly strong in comparison to their antagonists. This imbalance can lead to injuries if left unchecked.

For many athletes, a simple approach to strength training will be adequate. However, for athletes seeking to increase their level of competition, a more focused and intensive approach must be taken (3). This may involve a period of basic strength training that is progressively intensified and broken down into phases. These may be based on a percentage of an athlete’s 1RM or, more specifically, geared toward the desired adaptation (2).

When most people think of fitness training for athletes, they think of activities that improve strength and endurance. However, another important element of fitness training for athletes is flexibility. From a volleyball spike to a rugby drop kick, the body’s muscles and joints need flexibility to perform sports movements properly.

Flexibility training helps improve a joint’s range of motion by mechanically stretching the muscles and ligaments surrounding it. There are two different types of flexibility training: those that involve movement and those that don’t. The ones that involve movement are known as dynamic flexibility, and those that don’t are called static flexibility.

The benefits of flexible training include an increased ability to perform sports movements, decreased risk of injury, and improved posture. It is also believed that a lack of flexibility leads to greater muscle fatigue, which can reduce performance. In addition, studies have shown that women tend to be more flexible than men because of structural, hormonal, and anatomical differences.

It is recommended that both dynamic and static flexibility be included in a training program to train effectively. It is also recommended that the program incorporate the full range of motion stretches, as this will help prevent muscle damage and injury.

A trainer should supervise stretching just as they would with any other aspect of a client’s workout to ensure the proper technique is used. It is also recommended that the trainer encourage clients to take the time to warm up and stretch, as this will not only improve their workout but will also help them prevent injuries.

NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, is the authoritative text for health and fitness instructors and personal trainers, and the primary preparation source for the NSCA-CPT exam. It is available in bookstores and online at the NSCA Store.

The book is the most comprehensive resource for fitness professionals on the topic of strength, power, and speed training in the context of sports performance. It includes a full chapter on training for athletes, as well as chapters on general conditioning and nutrition.

While conditioning, endurance, mobility, and strength are the foundations of an athlete’s fitness, coordination training should not be overlooked. This is the ability to perform different movements simultaneously without losing balance or speed. This is critical for athletes at any level of play, whether a football player running from one end of the field to another while avoiding opponents or a boxer dodging a direct hit.

Coordination is often viewed as a skill only serious athletes or Beyonce’s backup dancers need, but this needs to be corrected. Everyone should train their coordination because it makes day-to-day activities easier and safer. Good coordination can also help prevent injury and improve athletic performance.

Movement pattern drills, exercises, and games are the most common way to train coordination. These can be as simple as the daily CARs routine that stimulates mechanoreceptors at the end range to send input to the brain and bring awareness to where joints are in space. Or, the snap proprioception drill removes visual cues, forcing the athlete to rely on sound and how their body feels to find and isolate joint movement.

Combining multiple movements into a complex pattern can achieve more advanced coordination training. For example, a coach could set up an obstacle course combining balance, agility, speed, strength, synchronization, spatial orientation, and more. Athletes at a young training age can benefit from this type of general coordination training, while as they grow into adults and advance their sport, they will need more specificity in their training programs.

When training athletes, coaches should remember the concept of “training to the level of competition.” This means that all components of fitness must be trained at a high level, or athletes will need more performance to compete in their chosen sport. During this time, coaches should be flexible and adjust their program when needed to achieve these goals.

For example, an athlete training for a field event must focus on strength training that focuses on the imbalance between their left and right sides and agonists and antagonists to prevent long-term injury. In addition, this athlete will likely require training to increase their power output for the specific field event.

Keeping Up With The Latest Fitness Trends

Latest Fitness Trends

Every year, there are a handful of new fitness trends. Whether it’s a fad exercise app, celebrity workout endorsement or the latest craze on social media, fitness trends come and go in waves.

But some fitness trends have staying power. These long-lasting trends are methodologically sound or scientifically backed.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is more than just a fitness trend—it’s an exercise style that is here to stay. In fact, it was voted the number one workout by fitness professionals in a recent survey. HIIT-style workouts can be found in the gym, on apps and YouTube, at group classes like Orangetheory, and even in home-based fitness programs that provide virtual training with trainers.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be used to meet any fitness goal. It involves alternating between brief periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercises with short recovery periods until exhaustion. For example, you could do a HIIT workout by running as fast as you can for one minute and walking for two minutes, or you can try a more advanced workout like Tabata, which uses 20 seconds of all-out work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of four minutes.

This type of workout can increase the amount of EPOC—excess post-exercise oxygen consumption—and burn more calories in a shorter period than continuous cardio exercise. It also boosts metabolism, and helps you build muscle mass. But it’s important to note that HIIT is not a magic bullet. It’s best paired with steady-state cardio and strength training for a complete, balanced workout routine.

In addition to its physical benefits, HIIT has been shown to have psychological benefits as well. It can help improve mental clarity and reduce stress, and it can increase motivation to exercise by releasing “feel-good” endorphins. Moreover, it may also improve cognitive performance, and research has found that it can help prevent age-related memory loss. It can also enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels, which can lower your risk of diabetes.


In the spirit of a recent surge in nostalgia (think Stranger Things, vintage fashion, and throwback workouts), many pop culture trends are finding their way back into the fitness world. For example, step aerobics are making a comeback, with new dance-based workouts designed to target the whole body while boosting cardio. Meanwhile, weightlifting—a popular training style in the 80’s and 90’s – is now more accessible for both home gyms and studio classes. Weightlifting involves using free weights, barbells, and dumbbells to build strength over a range of motion with a focus on pure physical performance. The trend is likely being driven by a desire for more muscle tone and a greater sense of physical capability, but it’s also often motivated by health concerns like improving bone density.

The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the fitness industry in several ways. First, it has accelerated the popularity of at-home workouts. This includes the use of smart equipment, such as stationary bikes that connect to apps for virtual class streaming, and workout gear such as squat-proof leggings that won’t become see-through when stretched during lunges or squats. It has also led to a greater awareness that exercise can take place anywhere, including outdoor activities such as hiking, running, cycling, and stroller fitness (an increasingly popular variation of core workouts).

Another trend that is continuing to grow is prioritizing mobility training. This is a crucial aspect of any workout routine and helps to improve movement, reduce pain and injury, and prevent sedentary lifestyles. It’s also becoming more common to include this component of workouts as part of a holistic wellness program that goes beyond getting the perfect bikini body.

Functional Training

A quick glance at any gym schedule and you’re likely to see a Functional Training class or two. These workouts are designed to help your body perform daily tasks, making them more efficient and less painful in the process.

Functional fitness training is a type of strength training that focuses on movements that mimic real-world activities like picking up an object off the floor, climbing stairs or swinging a baseball bat. By working multiple muscles at the same time, these exercises improve balance, mobility and posture while helping to prevent injuries.

These types of exercises may also help you to achieve a leaner, more athletic-looking physique. Incorporating Functional Training into your routine can challenge your muscles in new ways and increase the total number of calories burned during a workout. It’s important to keep in mind that just as with any new exercise, you should begin with a functional workout slowly and gradually work your way up.

There are many different variations of functional training that can be done using your own body weight, free weights or even machines. Calisthenics (bodyweight exercises) are a popular form of functional training, but you can also crank up the resistance with some of the best adjustable dumbbells or resistance bands to achieve the same muscle gains as other forms of strength training.

For example, the Lateral Shuffle Bar Pickup is a great full body functional training workout that can help you strengthen your shoulders while targeting your obliques and triceps. It also helps to improve your balance, mobility and core stability while challenging your entire body. If you’re interested in incorporating functional training into your routine, join Planet Fitness today and take advantage of our free Functional Training program, PE@PF, available to all members!


Yoga is a 5000-year old practice that professes a complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. It is not only great for burning calories but also a great way to strengthen muscles and reduce stress, which has made it a huge hit with people who are looking to make some positive changes in their lives.

Another fitness trend that has popped up during the pandemic is exercising outdoors and using nature as a backdrop for workouts. The UK gym chain, Pure Gym, conducted a study to spot trends and fads and found that searches for outdoor exercises like reverse running and stroller fitness are rising. This trend is great for the environment and for people who want to feel connected to the world around them whilst they exercise.

In addition, yoga and Pilates are popular fitness trends due to their focus on holistic wellbeing rather than aesthetic goals alone. Searches for yoga mats have spiked during the pandemic and these can be a great investment to ensure you have a comfortable workout space at home.

Another great low impact fitness trend that has been on the rise is body weight training. This uses bodyweight to help build muscle and is a great option for people who don’t have access to a gym and are on a budget. The trend also includes exercises that are designed to mimic movements we use in everyday life such as squats, lunges, bear crawls and farmer carries.

Finally, functional training is one of the hottest fitness trends of 2023. This includes a range of exercises that work to improve balance, co-ordination and strength, which will help to prevent injuries in more intense workouts.

Group Exercise

In addition to well-known fitness benefits like weight loss, increased strength, and improved flexibility, exercise has been shown to positively impact emotional wellbeing. Studies have found that a sense of community and support are associated with participation in group exercise. These social benefits are also a driving force behind one of the biggest fitness trends of 2023, fun fitness!

Fun fitness workouts are designed to make exercising more sociable, and help individuals achieve their fitness goals more quickly. This includes new group exercise classes like ZUU, an army-inspired form of HIIT that uses animal-inspired exercises such as bear crawls and gorilla walks to help improve balance, endurance, functional strength, and flexibility. Fun fitness workouts are also a trend seen on TikTok, where many users have posted videos of themselves performing exercises such as the weighted hula hoop challenge.

Another big fitness trend of 2023 is the rise of ‘biohacking’, which combines almost any science-based method of improving physical or mental performance – whether that be diet, exercise, mindfulness practice, technology, or drugs. It’s an interesting trend that is set to grow in popularity as the body continues to push for its limits, and as people search out ways to improve their health and wellbeing.

Throughout the pandemic, exercise habits and preferences have shifted significantly. In addition to the changes that have occurred in onsite gyms and studios, people have embraced virtual fitness offerings and outdoor workouts as a way of continuing to stay active during the pandemic. As we move into 2023, it’s expected that these new trends will continue to influence how people workout both onsite and in their homes. For example, people are likely to maintain their preference for utilizing workouts that have a social element in them such as group 5k runs and city walks, outdoor group workouts, and community organized day hikes.